The Benefits and Drawbacks of Automated Investing Systems
Writer By Juliy

Robo-advisors, or automated investing platforms, have been incredibly popular in the last several years. These platforms provide a low-cost and effective substitute for traditional financial advisers by managing investments on behalf of consumers using algorithms and technology. They do have drawbacks, too, just like any other financial instrument. To assist you in determining if automated investing platforms are the best option for your financial objectives, we'll examine the benefits and drawbacks of each in this blog article.

1. What Are Automated Investment Platforms?

Financial planning may be done automatically and algorithmically with little to no human oversight using internet services known as automated investment platforms. A diversified portfolio is created and managed by them using sophisticated algorithms that take into account each investor's timeframe, financial objectives, and risk tolerance. Services including automated rebalancing, retirement planning, and tax-loss harvesting are provided by the majority of platforms.

2. The Advantages of Automated Investment Platforms

Low Fees

Among the main benefits of automated investing platforms is their affordability. A proportion of assets under management, often between 1% and 2%, is what traditional financial counselors frequently charge. Compared to other investment options, robo-advisors are more cost-effective for investors, particularly those with smaller portfolios, as their fees usually range from 0.25% to 0.50%.

Accessibility and Convenience

Automated systems are very accessible and easy to utilize. Within minutes of registering and filling out a questionnaire, investors may build up their portfolio. These platforms appeal to a wide spectrum of people, especially younger investors, since they make it convenient to manage assets from a computer or smartphone without requiring substantial financial expertise.

Diversification and Rebalancing

Using a variety of asset types, including equities, bonds, and real estate, robo-advisors build diversified portfolios based on the objectives and risk tolerance of their clients. Furthermore, they automatically adjust portfolios to preserve the intended asset allocation, guaranteeing that investors stay on course without requiring human involvement.

Objective Decision-Making

Human emotions have a big influence on investing decisions, and they frequently have negative results. By using data and computers to make judgments, automated platforms remove the emotional component in investing. By taking an impartial stance, investors may steer clear of frequent dangers such as panic selling during market downturns.

3. The Disadvantages of Automated Investment Platforms

Limited Personalization

For many investors, especially those who place a great value on interpersonal relationships, the absence of human connection might be troublesome. Traditional financial advisors provide personalized advice and emotional support, particularly during volatile markets. Automated solutions are unable to offer this level of assurance and comfort.

Lack of Human Interaction

The lack of human connection can be problematic for many investors, particularly those who place a high importance on interpersonal ties. Conventional financial advisers offer emotional support and individualized guidance, especially in times of market volatility. Such comfort and certainty cannot be provided by automated platforms.

Dependence on Technology

Technology plays a major role in automated investing platforms, which may be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Algorithm mistakes, cybersecurity risks, or technical problems may result in monetary losses or service interruptions. Even with these platforms' sophisticated security mechanisms in place, there is still a chance of technological malfunction.

Limited Scope of Services

While they might not provide the same range of services that a regular financial adviser does, robot advisors often concentrate on managing portfolios. Comprehensive financial planning, insurance guidance, and retirement planning are examples of services that are frequently outside the purview of automated platforms.

4. Who Should Consider Using Automated Investment Platforms?

The automated investment platforms are ideal for the tech-savvy individual who wants to devote as little time to their investments as possible. They would be perfect for younger investors, those with smaller-sized portfolios, or those who are just beginning investing. Large complex financial needs and those requiring personalized advice probably will find a traditional financial advisor more suitable.

5. The Future of Automated Investment Platforms

Theoretically, we would not be able to notice if the technology for automated investment was completely advanced or not. More advanced features, increased customization options and lower fees are some of the changes we can expect in a competitive environment where robo-advisors prevail. Nevertheless, the argument between human advisors and computerized systems will remain alive since both have distinct advantages that depend on each individual investor’s needs and preferences.


As automatic investment services are so affordable and unbiased, many people-most notably in the so-called 20-50-year-old age bracket-often look at robo-advisors as a last resort toward which investment returns may be pursued. However, their disadvantage remains in the complete lack of personalization and human interaction. At the end, the decision to use or not use a robo-advisor should depend on one's unique financial circumstances, goals, and personal comfort levels with technology. Therefore, this is a decision that requires weighing pros and cons of the determination, just like any other investment decision.

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